Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Your Pregnancy: 4 Weeks

How do you feel right now? At this point your little one can finally call himself an embryo. Yes, he's graduated! Now you're baby's organs have begun to develop and some are even functioning. Amazing isn't it? Also during this time the primitive placenta is getting itself ready to become a fully developed placenta in which it'll be able to provide nutrients and oxygen to your growing baby. Also the amniotic sac has formed. This will cushion and house the baby for the coming weeks.

At this point though you probably don't even know that you're pregnant. But for the sake and health of your baby, if you're taking any medications, stop, if you're drinking or smoking, stop that too. You should already be taking a multivitamin so continue to do that too. And at the end of this week take a home pregnancy test. It should indeed come up positive if not, take another one next week. If that comes up negative go to the doctor and have blood drawn.

Congratulations again on becoming pregnant!!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Congratulations! You are now pregnant! Your journey has only just begun. During this time your body is changing but not noticeably to the outside world only to you and your significant other. The hormonal changes have set in and well we all now how that goes. Tempers flare and husbands, boyfriends, or significant others know to get out of the way!

At this stage in the game your little one is just a ball of cells. The sperm has united with the egg and has implanted in the lining of your uterus and is preparing for a long nine month stay. Right now is very important to your little one because the stage is being set for their growth and well being. So right now mommy you should stop smoking and drinking. You should begin engaging in healthy behaviors such as exercising , but not too vigorously and drinking plenty of water. Also you should lay off the caffeine and sweets and begin eating your fruits and veggies more often. This helps to build your energy as well as feed the your growing baby its much needed nutrients.

And don't forget to begin taking a daily multivitamin that contains folic acid to reduce the chances of your baby having birth defects.